Tuesday, January 29, 2013

He can roll!

~So many things have happened in the last couple of days! It has been snowing like crazy. It took like 1 hour to get from fashion place mall to our house on Sunday...we were going like 20 mph on the freeway.
~Matt is gone to Kansas City, Missouri. Him, his mom and dad went out there for 3 days to present their company to Sprint! He had to speak during the presentation and was soooo nervous, but he said overall it went really good and that they told Matt and his parents that they were the best company they have interviewed and seen so far. Hopefully they get the contract and they will start their work with Sprint in like March. They have been so busy with work it is crazy. 60-70 hours a week is what he has been working. Thanks bub- Roman and I appreciate it!!
~Today is also Michele's birthday! Happy birthday nonna.
~I have been feeling a little defeated lately. It seems like everyone that has a baby around Roman's age is already almost crawling and he can't really roll over on his own we always have to help him because he starts crying. I was worried that since Matt and I work so much that we weren't giving him the attention that he need to progress. But, with a little practice the last few days... He has rolled over about 15 times today BY HIMSELF...NO HELP! He loves it. We celebrate after every roll. So cute!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


 So, I decided it would be cheaper for me to do my own shellac instead of paying to get them done all the time. I knew it would be expensive at first and pay off in the end. Expensive it was... I wanted too many colors all at once. So far I have bought 28 colors. BUT...it has been worth it so far! I'm having so much fun doing mine and my mom's nails whenever we want (which seriously is like every week). These are some valentines nails that we have done..so far. who knows what next week will bring since we still have like 3 more weeks until Valentines.

Sick little sugar :(

Little baby has a slight form of RSV. He coughs to the point he gags and throws up. He doesn't want to eat. He just wants to be grumpy and smile for a few photos! I wish I could be sick for him. Look at his watery/red eyes. He melts my heart!!

My Niece is cuter than yours!

I could just squeeze her. 3 days old!

Monday, January 21, 2013

I'm an AUNT!

Aria Koaalohahemolele Lock
Born January 21,2013
8:19 pm (virginia time)
6lbs 9oz.
19 inches long

~Wish I was there to cuddle her and play with her hair!

~Love her!!

What a day... already

It is only 10:30 in the morning and so much has happened. Matt was supposed to be coming home from Atlanta. He had already boarded the plane and was getting ready to take off. They (united airways) then decided that the plane was unsafe and cancelled the flight. Off the plane. Matt called to tell me that there wasn't another flight out of Atlanta for like 3 days or something ridiculous, but have no fear....They got onto a Delta flight. They are now flying to Washington D.C. then to Utah. He will be home TODAY!!
While all that was going on... Angie called me to tell me they were on their way to the hospital because her water broke when she bent over to get a pot out to make hard boiled eggs. Nasty! I am going to be an aunt! I can't wait to see Aria's cute face!
Roman is sick today. Has a NASTY cough. Poor baby...
To be continued....

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Just the 2 of us!

What a weekend this has been. Matt has gone to Atlanta, Georgia with his dad, mikey, papa, david and justin to the NFC championship football game to watch the San Francisco 49ers play the Atlanta Falcons-(the 49ers won 28-24)- so it has just been me and bubba all weekend. Today,  Roman, Grandma Val and I went to BuyBuy Baby and bought Roman and exer-saucer. So cute, he loves it. Roman also got HIS FIRST TOOTH!!! That might explain why he was a little cranky today! I still can't even believe how fast he is growing and learning. Love him!

First Post

My first post on the blog...should get interesting. I hope I can keep up with it. I feel like there is no better time to start then now. I am hoping to use this blog as a mile marker for all things exciting in our lives because I have always said I was going to be an avid scrapbooker when I was married and had kids but....
We will see how it goes!